Hey There,
Congratulations on launching the new software. Hopefully I'm your first paying customer for it :). I like the application so far, but here are my feature requests, and possible bug reports:
- Bug: On the "Script area", the window isn't large enough, so the "Next" button, isn't within view.
- Feature Request System Fonts: I have a lot of really nice fonts on my computer, can you make it so the application uses the system fonts?
- Feature Request Add Custom Fonts: If you can't do the above feature, can you make it so we can add our own fonts?
- Feature Request Define Default Text Size: On the Theme settings, can you give the option to specify a user-defined default text size? Right now, it defaults to very small, and I have to update each slide, but I don't want to use "Automatic" because that makes many slides text too large. If you let me specify the default size, then I can fix only the ones I think are too big.
- Feature Request Default Image Transparency: On the Theme settings, can you provide an option to default the image transparency? By default some images make it hard to read the text and having them default to a user-defined transparency it will automatically make the text easier to read. We could then go through and correct any images that might be too transparent.
- Feature Request Add More TTS Voices: I've purchased other TTS software in the past with additional voices. It would be nice to have a way to include those voices as well.
I'm really enjoying the application so far and look forward to seeing what you guys do with it. Good luck, and I would really appreciate your feedback on these suggestions :).