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Reddit Tutorial - reCaptcha issue

ReplyThanks 2017/03/23 03:13:59 0 0


I just purchased your BotChief Developer and am starting with the basics since I have never built a bot before.

I am walking through your reddit.com new user tutorial and have come onto an issue with NewCaptcha Browser Operation as demonstrated in the tutorial video.

When testing running the NewCaptcha operation, when the "select image" option comes up and I select the "Im am not a robot" checkbox (red circle with the number 1 shows in the checkbox" and then hit submit, the "select image" window closes, I receive a "Success" popup, but the action does not transfer to the webpage and the checkbox on the page does not receive the check mark.

Can you please advise?



2017/03/23 09:49:38
Hi, where is the tutorial about reddit.com? Can you send us the link? we will go to check it.
NewCaptcha action is to solve the recaptcha manually. If you want to solve the recaptcha automatically, you can use the 2captcha plugin. We already created a post to show you how to use the NewCaptcha and 2captcha, please go to check it first.
If there is still problem for it, please feel free to contact us. Also you can send us your module, we will check it on our side.

Have a nice day!!!!
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