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Impossible to Connect to database: which is the correct connection string?

ReplyThanks 2016/01/17 22:10:04 1 0

I have been trying all day to connect to my database through botchief, but it always tells me impossible to connect. This is the syntax I am using in the field labeled "connect string" Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

I also tried this (for pearl):

$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:cpuser_db:localhost","cpuser_dbuser","password");DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:cpUsername_dbNamelocalhost","cpUsername_dbUsername","password");

and this (for php)

$dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "cpuser_dbuser", "password") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ("cpuser_db");

but it tells me the password dbh is not valid...

anyway, please provide documentation for botchief, it is so poorly documented...thanks

2016/01/18 01:11:03

Use following format(it is for C#):

Data Source =yourServerAddress; Initial Catalog=yourDataBase;User Id=yourUsername;Password=yourPassword;

2016/01/18 09:30:58
Thanks but it does not work, same issue. FYI, I am using the IP address of the server to connect. I have approved my IP with the server to establish a remote connection. To no avail.
2016/01/18 09:38:09
When I connect through botchief to the server, am I using my ip or is the connection routed through your servers? in which case I would need to allow your server ip
2016/01/18 21:33:47
Just use the IP address. What is the error message do you get?
2016/01/20 14:06:40

It's a generic message...Impossible to connect due to an instance that cannot be verified...a long redundant message from my PC, not the server.

I would like to use this function, however at the moment I bypassed the issue with a utility that transforms mysql into sqlite, so I uploaded that file locally.

However, how do I tell botchief I want specific cell values from the sqlite DB into specific browser fields? I had some success using my csv file as variables for the values inside the SET VALUE module, however, I can only run the first line of that file, how do I tell botchief to go to the second line and so on every time a task is run? In "Row Index" I selected 0 (usually means all) but if I select random, will it repeat the lines? Or is it random order without repetition? And what if I want to follow the file order?

So here there actually are three questions:

1. Connect to DB?

2. Use Sqlite DB?

3.Assign to each task a specific line of the DB or csv file?

Thanks, and if you have any detailed instructions for each module that would be great. I feel like I bought a spaceship without being told how to run it...

2016/01/20 21:55:43

1. Maybe you should check the settings of your database server, like the port, firewall.

2. The "Database Process" action support SQL Server and SQLite, you can choose a SQLite file.

3. You can read the value of DB of csv file to a Table variable, then add a "Variable Operate" action, get the value of each column and set to String variables. After get the value, you can remove this row.

2016/01/21 19:02:04

Hi thanks but

1. My server is fine I am connecting in many ways with ssh and other clients using that data. Definitely not my side

2. I understand it, I did that, I am asking how to USE that

3. Tried that but not working, same issue, it gets the first row's data, than it picks that up again and inputs it, of course causing the site to reject the data stopping the whole process.

Please let me know if something is not clear-

Any chance of getting a guide on how to use botchief?

2016/01/21 23:02:03
8 # sturmundrang 1/21/2016 7:02:04 PM

Hi thanks but

1. My server is fine I am connecting in many ways with ssh and other clients using that data. Definitely not my side

2. I understand it, I did that, I am asking how to USE that

3. Tried that but not working, same issue, it gets the first row's data, than it picks that up again and inputs it, of course causing the site to reject the data stopping the whole process.

Please let me know if something is not clear-

Any chance of getting a guide on how to use botchief?

Hi, you can add my skype: whitehatbox. maybe we can talk it clearly, by the way, there are so many videos on the forum, i strongly suggest you to have a look before using this software. thanks

2016/01/22 08:39:22
Ok thanks, I went through the videos in the video section, but there isn't a great deal of them. Should I look elsewhere? Will call you on skype
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