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Is there a way to create an action where it keeps looking for a specific text?

ReplyThanks 2018/06/18 07:54:04 0 0
Is there a way to create an action where it keeps looking for a specific text from the web page again and again and once that text is found a sound goes off? Thanks.
2018/06/19 18:08:46

I am sorry.

There is no such a specific action which can realize what you need. But you can use these commands (If, While(Loop), File Process) to write a logical to do what you need.

I am sorry, there is no such a function to play a song to notify you.

Please feel free to contact us if you need more help in the future.

2018/06/30 20:16:27

I made an example with one way to implement. You can start the sound through the command line. For this I use a player, it's in the archive.

Example + mpg123 + Sound

Module Development - [email protected] // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
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