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Bug: SQL zombie transactions

ReplyThanks 2017/11/17 07:45:40 0 0

Actually Botchief's MSSQL feature seems to have a big issue on MSSQL. On a failed transaction, it does not reset its internal transaction status, attemping to reuse an already failed, but commited transaction - rendering the MSSQL module completely unusable, even when changing to another user, it tries to use the same, not available transaction.

SQL Server Version 10.50.400

2017/11/17 14:19:08

Got it.

Thanks for your feedback.

We will check and fix it asap.

2017/11/17 14:57:23

Could you please show me the screenshot of your command settings? Because it is helpful to us.

Thank you.

2017/11/18 01:44:13

Very simple to verify the issue...
A suggestion I have - especially when it comes to Databases - the variables should be more strictly typed. Not directly related to the issue here, but in general - working with quite "open" variables on very strongly typed systems (like MS SQL) will lead to more issues than actually rely on strong typing.

2017/11/18 13:44:18
To sum up, the issue is it is keeping using the same user from the Table, right?
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