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Scrape a name changing class?

ReplyThanks 2015/08/09 17:45:49 0 0

There is a class on a game site that changes name depending on if you won or not.

By default the html is <div class="clearfix status">

When you win it's called <div class="clearfix status won">

When you lose it's called <div class="clearfix status lost">

I need to be able to have a scraper store the name in a variable so I can track each time I win and lose.

When it changes names however it can't find the variable. Is there any way to fix this?

2015/08/09 22:24:29
You can try to use 'Switch' action! here is a document of actions http://developer.botchief.com/actions/botchief_actions.html
2015/08/13 22:10:50
You can use a 'wait' action to loop to scrape the html item code, then get the new code.
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