greyhat 2016/01/14 17:11:31 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.8.9Problem: When trying to append random number(s) to string, it doubles the number.Example: Append random single digit number to word (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)Result= word22, word77, word33, etc.,Example2: append random double digit number to word...
ronnie173 2016/01/16 20:43:12 0 0
Hi is there any documentation or video on how to use the forms to incorporate them with the modules that I build? I looked through some of the videos and all of them are focused on making modules and none are on how to use the forms. I have the developer version so I want to make software to actually sell.
debashish 2016/01/15 07:44:30 0 0
My requirement is, after logging into web application needs to navigate into...
user_1234 2016/01/16 02:00:08 0 0
What format do I use when I enter proxy info into the SetProxy function?Do I import a string that looks like this: | Proxy:Port? how do I set the proxy variable so it uses the appropriate ip and port?
debashish 2016/01/15 07:43:56 0 0
My requirement is, after logging into web application needs to navigate into...
greyhat 2016/01/08 19:29:23 0 0
There is NO documentation/videos for this.How do I configure the "captcha" to allow me to select a combination of individual images for Recaptcha?I am able to get the iframe recaptcha pop up window to load, but I can NOT click anything in it to solve the recapcha manually.This is with GMX.com when trying to create an acct, which I have to manually create my own bot for because the gmx acct creator was removed from botchief Please Advise me on how to proceed, thanks.
greyhat 2016/01/10 08:14:10 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.8.9Whitehatbox v1.2.1ANOTHER FREAKING BUG:1) Botchief Runner IGNORES RunningTimes per dayIf I tell it to run 5 times (with multiple threads OFF) it will only run ONCE2) Botchief Runner IGNORES Interval Time after each...
user_1234 2016/01/14 13:20:08 0 0
I am writing my program and I am trying to figure out how to make it multi-thread compatible. This is the specific issue I am trying to solve.How do I create a program that loads 1000 email accounts and does the following: 1. log in once to each account. 2. searches and scrapes data from different websites (no overlapping) 3. logs out of the program and gives a log report and returns variables....
debashish 2016/01/12 03:33:55 0 0
. Our requirement is scraping the data from webapplications.The execution flow would be as follows:1)     Login into the web application.2)     Scrape data from the application....
anthony jupiter 2016/01/14 03:45:59 0 0
please how to build custom template on botchief editor to use it on blackbulkmail , i am waiting for your response , I paid the edition 170 usd october , please add my skype to response me  my skype is:...
greyhat 2016/01/14 00:18:43 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.8.9Problem:  Random Processing generates random sources, but not randomly enough.Test1: I ran 10 trials, with 10 different sources, to generate 4 Columns of Random Data.Column1 = WordsColumn2= WordsColum3=  Words & NumbersColumn4= Words...
sturmundrang 2016/01/13 09:46:03 0 0
Hi I just purchased and downloaded botchief, however it does not debug, it asks me to upgrade. Maybe I did not download the elite version? However, on white hat box I had just one download option..
greyhat 2016/01/10 02:57:13 0 0
Hi, I'd like to thank the team/dev/support for making this bot possible.  I do like it, and its quite handy as is.  But it could become MUCH MORE POWERFUL if you:monitored & responded more frequently on the forumsquickly implement possible feature requestsThe biggest thing that I'd like to request for now is that you guys you use multiple...
kaevlar 2015/11/01 16:54:48 0 0
Hello,I was wondering if there is a list of Free version' limitations.I understood it were a full working version, with limited features but I thought I could export a project from the editor and run it with the runner. At the moment, the only thing i can do is run manually one-action at time in the project view, but it's pretty unuseful.Am I missing something?
greyhat 2016/01/08 22:46:38 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.8.9I doubled checked your site to make sure that this feature is included by default in the free version.However, it tells me that I have no rights to use this feature.I really need to try to use this feature so that I can try to find how to be able to select the manual recaptchas that Im attempting to solve since I cant figure out how to use the "captcha" function to manually select the images for gmx acct creation.WhiteHatB...
greyhat 2016/01/10 18:33:04 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.8.9While (debug on) & running my bot in the runner, I noticed that if the debuggin runner window is up, and if you do anything with your mouse or keyboard, it will throw the runner off of its routine.What I mean is that only way the runner will run perfectly fine is if I do not bother my...
greyhat 2016/01/10 07:55:40 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.8.9Invalid ConnectionString format for parameterThat is the error that I got after my bot finished its task successfully.  What is that and why did I get it?
user_1234 2016/01/09 00:15:19 0 0
I am having difficulty trying to make an account creator. Whenever I run the program it gives me the error "Can not find the controls." I tried a variety of solutions be I keep getting the error. I attached the file so you can look over it for any mistakes. The error occurs on number 6 every time. Can someone help me with a solution?/editor/attached/file/20160109/20160109001220_5690....
user_1234 2016/01/10 16:03:57 0 0
I didn't see any info on how to use the cookie manager. I am wanting to save cookies from multiple browser sessions and then access them again. Is this possible? If so, how?
user_1234 2016/01/01 22:16:51 0 0
I am having difficulty trying to figure out how to use a csv file with bot-chief. I looked up online videos and the Manuel and have found the sources lacking of a thorough explanation of the function. Could I get help integrating one csv file with name(first and last), phone number, address, etc... into my account creator / browser search bot?
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