vyaggio 2016/04/24 03:45:48 0 0
Hi,thereWhere I can find info about creating users for a website quickly?
sturmundrang 2016/03/25 15:14:37 0 0
In the captcha settings we are given the option between manual and death by captchaDoes MANUAL mean that I can stand by the computer and when the bot prompts the captcha I can insert it manually? Or else how does it work? And how do I trigger it? With the function captcha or something else?Is this even feasible with the latest picture (street name plates, house numbers) captchas?
user_1234 2016/01/11 17:13:44 0 0
Hello, for future versions of BotChief could you add the following features:    - Mouse emulation: That goes from current position to selected position, instead of just move around in the same box.    - Keyboard emulation: have randomized times between keystrokes.If this is something you cannot do, can you let me know how to do it myself?
julianleahy 2016/04/11 08:00:18 0 0
I want someone to run this for me. I tried to follow the videos etc but I dont have the patience Anyone want to log into my pc using teamviewer or something and run this for me? I will pay. my skype is julian.leahy
buckwildn16 2016/04/09 04:23:04 0 0
Operating System:Windows 10Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.9.9 DVOk just a rundown of what my bot consists of. 1. Main Form2. Tweet FormClick tweet on the main form it hides and opens the tweet form.Tweet form has textbox1 and tweet button (go button)textbox1 has a variable called tweets that is stored in module tweet action which logs me in and clicks tweet button and puts variable tweets into the tweet box on twitter. Ok so now the issue. module tweet logs in, selects tw...
user_1234 2016/04/04 10:23:47 1 0
My program I've been running for a while stopped suddenly due to a minor update.I need botchief to update the Emulate mouse/keyboard function or create a new one that can fill in login info for: https://login.live.com/ that WORKS WITH MULTI-Threading. Although it will work without the multi-threading function, I need it to work with muti-threading.I asked for the feature before but it hasn't come after months. ...
whatsoever434 2016/03/31 12:32:09 0 0
Is it possible for me to make a program to login into emails and click the link? I'm new so any info would be appreciated!
johncfh93 2016/03/28 22:18:43 0 0
Just want to wish good job to the developers of this software and continue the good work. 
jungy 2016/03/28 19:41:48 0 0
Hi everyone!I tried to find a "contact us" on the botchief website, but I couldn't see it anywhere!!I was wondering if any one can help answer my questions about the bot's ability.I need a bot to do a few tasks for me. I am happy to get a custom solution if it is out there.1. Extract product dataI need a bot that can extract product data from a website, with...
johncfh93 2016/03/21 21:58:21 0 0
Hi, I am new to this software and I need to get guidance on how to do a bot. The bot will basically login into google account, key in keywords into search box, click search and then click on the intended website that user want. One account will have few keywords which will click on the same website and then logout and sign in with another account and repeat the same step. Is there any videos or post for me to refer to? Thank you.
sturmundrang 2016/03/24 10:11:00 0 0
Hi, building a bot I see Google is asking to update the firefox browser. I am using the default user agent. maybe botchief needs a browser update?
Briankong21 2014/09/18 05:03:49 0 0
I have a question. Someone search the mobile web browser(like firefox mobile browser). and find the article in the third page of search result.finally he click that.in the result, search engine think people would like to click the article, So I want to make this bot with botchief edit..of course I know how I make the bot search and the result...
apaulo 2014/03/20 17:02:44 0 0
use wait(loop) command to keep to click "next page"in a recent related reply you stated the the aforementioned instruction. would you please elaborate
Danksta 2015/11/14 05:07:26 0 0
Here are some features i would want to get implemented in botchief :DFeatures-Socks support (Currently has only http proxy support) I needed this since, i have tons of socks procies but couldnt get a hold of http proxiesSupport for mathmatical operations in variable management like addition/sub/division/multiplication/ and logical like greater than/smaller thanComparing integers (As in < > <= >=) in 'If statement'...
cincoshot 2016/03/16 22:48:00 0 0
Has anyone else had a problem at checkout for buying bot chief? If not, I need help. 
kbob132 2016/03/14 14:54:55 0 0
Operating System:Windows Server 2008Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.9.6I have tried both the function, Proxy Set, and setting a proxy for the browser itself. Both instances the browser is unable to connect. In addition to that, now that I have removed that proxy setting I still can't access the browser and nothing works at all anymore. 
zez13 2016/03/08 04:32:38 0 0
Hello,was TAP4 made with botchief ? Is it possible to make my own TAP ?thank you guys ;)
Netman 2016/01/22 16:46:22 0 0
HiI used "Select Control" to capture a textarea of a blogging site. it finds just the name. and when click on "Find HTML Item" just a narrow bar at the top of the textarea becomes green. then i put a text in text section of the control and hit save and "Test Run", But the text doesn't gets placed in textarea. after compiling the project this becomes the cause of fail.This is the iframe code:...
Noobie93 2016/03/08 02:25:19 0 0
Good day. Would like to know if the exe is working correctly. This is because when I run my exe and set it to run 5 times with debug mode on, it appear success although nothing come out. Can I know whether slow Internet connection can cause the exe to not function properly?
Joseph Chin 2016/03/07 04:24:11 0 0
Hi, can anyone help me to check my bot whether it is correct or not. I would like to do an auto-post bot which do the following:-1) Login into FB and go into a Page2) Upload Pictures in the Page and set Schedule when to post the pictures3) Can loop for pictures (in order)4) Can set other Page or other Fb account.Please tell me if anything is wrong with my bot. I'm trying to learn here. Thank you for...
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