jenrib 2017/01/30 19:21:00 0 0
I am trying to activate a botchief program when someone fills in a search box on a web page. I will need to pass the search box item to the botchief program also.Can anyone point me in the right direction or information on this?
seoxis 2017/01/15 12:32:39 0 0
Operating System:Windows 10Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:4.2.6hi,when i click on "Custom Action List" and i close without create custom action listi have computer and windows operation deletedit's normal ?...
distrakt 2017/01/13 20:58:06 0 0
How do I set it to Run Forever and keep looping the bot after each run forever?I see the option to Run Forever, but when I click OK, after 1 run it stops. I don't want it to schedule for the next day. I need it to run forever, after each run.
MoralUtility 2017/01/13 15:23:36 1 0
Ordered botchief pro today just curious how long it takes to get license. On redirect from paypal it gave an error so not sure if that was where the license was given or notThank you,
Adive 2017/01/13 13:21:56 0 0
The bot has a captcha thing, but I was wondering if you can make the captcha automated too, instead of it being manual.My goal is to make a voting bot (the site has a captcha + 1 time per 24h so im also using proxies), that I could leave on my VPS for long times with loads of proxies.That's why I'd need an automatic captcha.. So is it possible?    
user_1234 2017/01/09 10:49:27 0 0
Hi, I need help with getting my program to work with a json API.I'm new to getting this work, so help / an example would be great.If someone could help me that would be great. I have Bot-chief Developer, so I have access to all options.
kudave2 2017/01/08 23:06:42 0 0
Operating System:Windows 10Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:4.2.5When I have SWITCH action outside of IF statements it works fine.  When it's nested within 3 IF actions, it errors with unknown error.  Any ideas???
jenrib 2017/01/06 17:35:04 0 0
I visit this url in botchief https://www.otcmarkets.com/home and try entering a company name like cesx then hit get quote and nothing happens.I open in firefox and do the same thing and get quote button works fine.Does this have anything to do with my useragent? I got the useragent straight from the browser I use. I dont see why it would but trying to figure this out and its got me to a dead stop until botchief can take action when button is clicked....
kudave2 2017/01/06 10:21:58 0 0
Used forum example http://www.whitehatbox.com/bbs/BBSPost?postid=4349&searchText=date#.WG8T24WcFhE to get date/time from system and on TestRun got error stating that I was using a different version of browser and it couldn't run.  If I run in debug it doesn't return date/time to the variable that I assigned.  Looking for the best way to obtain system date and time for a wait or sleep process.  Thanks!
kudave2 2017/01/05 13:17:39 0 0
Operating System:Windows 10Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:4.2.5Operate combobox updateselecteditem DOES NOT work with either text or variable.  After RUN, form still shows combobox with blank instead of the selected item.  Please advise if there is a fix.  Thank you.
NellySuave 2017/01/04 12:39:30 0 0
is there anyway i can make a twitch viewer bot where the bot will run for as long as i need it to and comment on people's twitch stream and also have multiple accounts to do that so it will monitor the page for as long as the twitch stream is up. something like this-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w25IcwspFXU
ni8_blue 2017/01/03 09:08:05 0 0
Hey I am working on botchief editor, under dropdown options after right click on module, selecting insert action then moving down to others section,selecting "Keystrokes Emulation".After selecting "Keystrokes Emulation" , when I click on test run it prompts me "Success" but It should show a dialog to enter value for variable as I am using a variable.Variable "Initialize variable with no default" value set and its range is...
Howski 2017/01/02 22:04:38 0 0
In using BotChief developer and I have noted that it is a nice editor, and there a action that can greatly improve efficiency of debugging scripts, I would like to automatically move to the next instruction after running a step. This would reduce the process of manual debugging to one mouse click per step and without a mouse move or extra clicks. I am sure that when you think about it that this will improve productivity for developer by being able to focus only on the debug window and avoid losi...
lucifer666 2016/12/29 16:13:55 0 0
hey gang, made my first bot but having an issue, probably something silly but ive not spotted the solution.i made the bot to log into a site from a user:pass list, cap some stats, log out. but it keeps trying the first combo and doesn't move on to the next in the list.so everything runs fine for the first run, but every time it loops back to the start, it uses the same combo.
Howski 2016/12/25 21:46:54 0 0
Operating System:Windows 10Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:4.3.5Hi,I have been following the Scraper tutorial and found that the save to variable drop down box is not working any longer. Everything works up to that point....
Howski 2016/12/25 21:55:06 0 0
Operating System:Windows 10Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:4.2.5Hi, following the scrape tutorial - Operate control variable is not showing variable in the drop down control box....
jenrib 2016/12/21 16:32:47 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:32bitSoftware Version:6.1 build 7601 service pack 1under action settings in processing way I select appends the string in dropdown works fine but then I go to added string and shows white box (not greyed out) but I cannot add anything in there. I need to add to a domain name there in order to append the url with different usernames but clicking in the white area in added string box wont allow any input.
bottodo 2016/12/20 10:30:31 0 0
Hello,I dont know how to Press Enter key... Anyone can help me?Thanks all!
bottodo 2016/12/21 10:29:40 0 0
Hello,I try custom bot, but it's always download xrunner29.0.zip when i open my bot. Thanks!
bottodo 2016/12/21 10:24:29 0 0
Hello,I try custom bot, but it's always download xrunner29.0.zip when i open my bot. Thanks!
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